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Using past-life healing on a daily basis


Whenever we go to a new place, heal the people who had previously occupied the place.

Either you go to a rented place or to a hotel, heal the stay of the previous occupant. Make it whole and complete. Then only your stay will be fulfilled. Otherwise, it might have an impact on you. We don’t know who the previous occupant was and what happened to them.

Whenever you sit for dining in a hotel, heal the person who used the table previously before you order for the food. Or before entering the hotel, you might heal all the people who had taken food there. Do a prayer for them.

In an interview, whoever was interviewed previously, heal their mental states. This way, you don’t need to heal the future as it is taken care of it automatically. Whenever you join the company, heal the person who was working previously in your place.

When you go to a clinic, heal the patient(s) who had seen the doctor just before you. If a new case comes, heal the previous case.

Every day morning, heal the previous day happenings. See that every past is healed.

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Why we are healing the past with light and love?

Nothing in the brain is stored as words. Word and language has nothing to do with the brain. Either it remembers it as visually, auditory or kinesthetically.

Through the nasal passage the Brain is simulated by smell. However we have lost it in the evolution process. In Tsunami no animals were caught, especially cats. Any natural calamity, cats will go to a safer place.

If a cat is restless it means some warning. It is the first animal to witness. That sense in us has lost in us. The link is cut and so the Brain cannot sense the danger like cat.

In past healing, we are cutting old memory (images) and giving it back new memory. All the memory is stored as images.

Every cell has a brain that records the events as images. It won’t be like a photograph. That’s a holographic image, which means even if you break the image into pieces any single piece out of them can be used to generate the whole picture.

Thus, images are stored in the cells. That’s why we don’t know how do we behave and react. Therefore, we can’t find the reason from the past. Somehow we pick the memory from the past.

Every memory is linked through the neural path. Twenty thousand million images are stored in a single neuron. So you can imagine how much memory is stored in us as we have several neurons in our nervous system.

Thus, the whole of our life is nothing but acting from our past.

So, now we are commanding the mind to re-fill the images with light and love. We don’t know how to fill it up with other images. So we are filling it up with light and love.

It is a sort of replacement. When the replaced memories become whole and complete, all the past will be healed.

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Healing – daily workout


When I am on road most of the time, how I am going to do the Triangle based healing. There are so many issues, and so many problems to handle.


No issues! Just make an intention that the Silver Triangle has to be next to you for the next three to four hours. During this time, whatever that goes through your mind in terms of worries, fears, anger, etc., just put them all into the triangle.

Once you reach home or where ever you could spend 20 minutes, just put the Reiki Past Life Healing CD, follow the instructions as per the CD and do the healing.

You may release the Silver Triangle once done.


I guess I will do this every day to heal all the issues that occurred during the day, and the past memories that are related to those events.


That’s a good idea. This way you don’t create any new karma.

Job Satisfaction

You have got a job offer from a company.

It’s your first day.

The moment you step into the new office, your energy level or frequency will align with the energy of the company.

How to find job satisfaction?

Heal the workers who had worked previously in the new company

Heal the workers who are currently working in the company

The above steps will not let you face the same problems they have faced.

Heal the person (you) in his previous job. Choose two to three companies and may be all companies.

Heal the person (you) who worked there. He is not the same person as you are now. He was working in a different frequency.

Heal that person by sending him Reiki.

This will stop attracting the incidents you had faced in the previous companies you had worked.