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Dead can be unhappy too


I have been reading through the issues for right knee. I have severe right knee pain due to osteoarthritis. I am on homeopathic medicines. I also limp because of this. I can’t walk for long. Then both legs are painful.

Reading through your blog, I found that right knee is for issues of father. But as far as I know, I did not have issues with him. He passed away 23 yrs before. So what do I do? Is there any way to get rid of my pain and limp?

I am 47 yrs old. I have been having this problem for nearly 12 yrs. I also try to do Reiki for the pain. Still it is difficult.

But, I do have issues with my mom, though I don’t know why. She stays with me and I seem to get angry with her for everything.

I am not generally a person who gets angry soon or bear grudges and keep my anger for long, but somehow I seem to speak a bit loudly to her.

I feel guilty after that. But in spite of thinking I shouldn’t automatically, I still do it. I have started saying, “I forgive you, please forgive me and release me”.


The issue here is your father is not happy over your anger against your mother. Don’t ask how can be a dead person unhappy over my doing.

  • Do the forgiving exercise to your father as well as mother.
  • Cut two potatoes into slices with the skin, apply them over the knee and tie them with the cloth. Leave it for a minimum of 6 hours and then take them out. This will remove the pain.
  • Liver is connected with all the joints. For any problem in the joints you have to forgive and thank.
  • Thank profusely from the heart all the events in your life.
  • Forgive all with whom you have anger.

If anger is there, love cannot be present. If gratitude is not there, joy cannot be there in life.

  • Affirm: “I release that part me which is angry with my mother”. “I align with that part of me which loves my mother.”
  • Write the affirmation daily for 21 times.

Remove your karma

What is the karma that has made me take this birth? Let us see how to put it in the triangle.

Any of our memories unaligned i.e., not aligned with the divine light I will say as non-divine.

Anything that is non-divine we will put it in the silver triangle.

I release all the unaligned memories acquired from my three previous births, and unaligned memories of my parents and ancestors that have caused my birth into this silver triangle.

I draw the Reiki symbols – both traditional and Karuna Reiki symbols.

I affirm the following now:

  • “Reiki Flow into the silver triangle”
  • “Heal and transform all the unaligned non-divine memory frequencies of my past life, unaligned non-divine memory frequencies of my parents and ancestors into Reiki frequency of light and love”.
  • “Transform them into Reiki frequency of Light and Love”.
  • “Make them whole and complete”.
  • “Now, every memory frequency of my past life is healed and has been made whole and complete.

This is the basic healing procedure to heal our karma. Nothing can be simpler than this.